Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Gardening!

Here's part of our wedding anniversary presents... we spent the weekend with Phil and Judy and made a trip to St. Croix (fishing rod factory/store), then to Winter (the name of town) Green House. No photos from the trip; our camera got left behind. Everywhere we went, we had a wonderful meal and dessert, too.
Most of all, the weather turned very nice and spring-like. Still no leaves on the trees, though very close to budding. But you just can't resist the urge to start gardening. These scrawny seedlings too look anxious for spring air.

Yesterday Joe tilled and expanded our garden in the backyard with the help of his cousin Al. And Joe is hoping to extend his grape vines up on the one side of our hill.
Tonight we planted rhubarb, chives (both from Phil and Judy) and some asparagus on the edges. Soon Joe will have to put up the fence to keep you-know-who.

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