Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kayo's First Keeper

Yesterday morning we went fishing with Joe's dad again. We rather had a slow start at the Big Hole... there were huge fish at the bottom, but they were too smart to get fooled by our lures. So Joe and I took a walk upstream to fish another spot. Joe caught a couple of nice fish and released. Then, quite unexpectedly I had a fish on my line!! I honestly didn't know what exactly I did, or didn't. Joe helped me reel in and unhook the fish. A nice brook trout. My very first keeper trout.
When we got back to the Big Hole, Joe's dad had caught a nice German brown. A very nice catch! In the picture is my brook trout on top.

1 comment:

  1. I really want to come and go fishing with you guys soon! Until when can you guys go fishing?? The Japanese room is calling for me too!
