Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Art Exploration in Chicago

Day Three: I luckily had a tour guide in downtown Chicago today. I got connected with someone from my art network who just moved to Chicago to teach. We met at the right side lion in front of the Art Institute at 10. The picture below is Michigan Avenue in the mist this morning... quite a change from yesterday. The Art Institute was simply wonderful. I got to check out the brand-new Modern Wing, where I was excited to see lots of unfamiliar works by familiar artists like Picasso, Matisse, etc. Thanks to Michael's membership to the Art Institute for such a pleasant visit... no wait in the line that went outside in the rain! Then we went and tried this Japanese restaurant on Randolph, called "Meiji." I had a plate of some traditional "nigiri" sushi with assorted raw fish and a choice of "maki" roll that was more "fusion." Everything was very good and just right.
After that, we walked around to find an art gallery and explored the gallery district of River North. Then we encounter this interesting 3D ad on the building.
Finally we stopped at an Irish Pub to celebrate our excellent day of art explorations! Thanks again to my guide Michael!!
I can't forget about Joe!! Well, he had another day at school. Poor thing. For dinner we went to a Chinese buffet his instructor recommended in Des Plaines. We almost got lost looking for the place, but Joe managed to get us there. And food was very good, a lot better than the Chinese food we have in our town.

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