Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ice Caves

Before temperatures get any warmer for longer periods of time, we hurried and went to check out the Ice Caves in Eben this afternoon (about 45 minutes from here). It was in the middle of nowhere, vast snow-covered farm fields to be more precise, yet there were twenty cars parked alongside the road. Quite a tourist spot!! The snow was already well packed, so we didn't even need snowshoes.
Across the field, into the woods, then up and over hills and valleys, at times Kayo sliding down on her butt, we got to the awesome Ice Caves.
We wandered around the ice caves, inside out! Looks like we were eaten by a huge monstor with ribs and teeth.
We saved New Moon Bar for another time. We weren't hungry enough for greasy burger and beer, though the place looked like it could make an entire blog post of its own. I was a bit afraid they served engine oil and anti-freeze instead of beer!! But please, if any of you are interested and come visit us in winter, we will do the complete Ice Cave tour with New Moon Bar.

1 comment:

  1. Wohaaaa, that's so cool! One of these days, I'd love to travel to Michigan with Matt. :-)
