Sunday, December 1, 2019

Yet Another Snow Storm

I survived another Black Friday weekend at work. When you work in retail, you have no desire to participate in such events. The only purchase we made over this weekend was a brand new snow blower. After 10 plus years of heavy use, it was time to replace ours before it died completely, and definitely before this winter storm started last night.
As they predicted we received another foot and half of snow over night. Simply impressive. (Disclaimer: the picture below was taken this morning, not recycled from the other day)
Thank goodness, I had this Sunday off from work. We had a lazy morning, letting it snow (the storm continued). Except I had picked out a new faucet for our kitchen for my birthday and patiently been waiting for Joe the plumber. Cooped up inside the house on this snowy morning, I couldn't wait anymore. Joe had to install it for me, and I tried my best assisting him. I love my new kitchen faucet to fit our retro (more accurately "just plain old") sink!
And guess what? It's still SNOWING!!

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