Monday, May 20, 2019

Apple Creek, Here We Come!

The grass has gotten greener, and trees trying to bud, but only ever so slowly. This weekend it was rainy and chilly, barely reaching 40. But Joe and I were determined to fish Apple Creek, our first time this season. Joe's truck Rado's very first time, too. The above picture shows the road we wanted to take completely submerged under water, all thanks to beavers. We had to take a 45-minute detour, which was an adventure enough.
Finally we got to the river, and my first cast got me a keeper Brown trout (about 11"). Then later at the same hole I pulled a larger Brown (13"), while Joe had no luck. 
Both our rain jackets were soaked, and finger tips numb. It was time to move on.

At the falls Joe nailed this beautiful 18" Steelhead. He rarely lets me outfish him. Despite the weather and detour, we were glad to be back at Apple Creek once again. This fishing adventure reminded us how lucky to have such a wonderful bundle of natural beauty, from various trees, rocks, hills, streams to the Big Lake, all so close to home.

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