Friday, May 10, 2019

Road Trip Part 3

Very soon on our trip we realize pictures just don't do justice. The Black Hills was like traveling in the Lord of the Rings. Instead of horse riding, we had our Subaru. Quite an adventure to celebrate its 3 year anniversary.
Another memorable moment was viewing the Mount Rushmore Memorial in the fog. We definitely got to see our own Mt. Rushmore unlike any postcard pictures we'd seen.
Throughout our travel we encountered many animals in the wild, from buffalo, antelope, mule deer, to a majestic big horn sheep in distance, and Joe was quite content, mentioning the only thing we hadn't seen was the montain goat, leaving the foggy Mt. Rushmore parking areas. Just then 3 mountain goats appeared on the roadside! 
It was a wonderful adventure, worth every mile and minute being on the road, though the 7 days are all in a blurr. Somewhere along the way we celebrated our anniversary.
We came home 2 nights ago, after a grand total of 2223 miles round trip. It almost feels like a dream... now we are back to work as normal to pay for our trip and more adventures in the future. We drooled over a few nice looking trout streams over there, even spotted some fish in the water, so we really want to go back and spend more time in each place.

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