Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Golden Week

We had a week vacation near home with my brother Yoshi visiting from Japan. The Golden Week is when a bunch of national holidays so close to each other becomes a week or so long of time off. The weather jumped from winter to almost summer. We couldn't have asked for better weather. We managed to eat and drink as many varieties as possible between our walks and sightseeing. Our first stop was the Blackrocks where we sat outdoor to enjoy beer and bento snacks.
The warm weather (a couple of days reaching almost 80!) called for yakitori. A quick change of plans, oh so happily. 
We took a quick trip to Ironwood to meet with our friend Tak also from Japan. When we weren't eating, we checked out a few waterfalls and the lakeshore. With the snowmelt, all the falls were quite impressive. 
On our way back from Ironwood we took a little sidetrack to try a couple of new places. We had an amazing southern BBQ lunch. Definitely worth driving 1 1/2 hours from us. 
Then we stopped for a few beer at a new brewery also 1 1/2 hours from where we live. They also had amazing Napoli style pizzas, probably as close as we can get to Italy while still in the UP. 
Last day we got to enjoy most of our warm afternoon relaxing at home. It was hard to believe we had all that snow on the ground less than a week ago. Except now everything brown and dirty.
It was Cinco de Mayo, we had a taco dinner at home, mostly to celebrate the warm weather.
My Kahlua cheesecake had aged nicely over the week. A perfect ending to our tasty taco meal as well as Yoshi's stay.

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