Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Kayo's Catch 2

After the excitement of AM fishing on Sunday, Joe asked me if I wanted to try going fishing again in the evening. I said yes. We went to a different spot where I lost a steelhead, bent my hooks, lost a lure, and damaged my fishing rod last time. This time, though, with my new St. Croix rod I was ready! My second catch of the day was a 14" splake (cross between brookie and lake trout). Joe was even excited about the unexpected encounter. At first he thought was a brookie, but its body was more streamlined and lacked the signature dots of a brookie.
The cool thing about it for me was that when I first casted into the sunlit amber-colored water, we saw this huge dark shadow come out and swim circle around only to check out my lure. It looked monstrous, and naturally I screamed with excitement. Then, a few more casts..., but nothing. On our way back I chose a different lure, and yes, it was the right choice. I still couldn't believe it worked. My heart was pumping harder than when I caught my 12" fish earlier. It was indeed a good day fishing!!


  1. How cool! Kayo and her new fishing rod. Love reading about your fishing adventures! Enjoy the summer guys! :-)

    1. Joe just found out there are brook trout in Hawaii, on two of the islands. He thought he could live there.
