Tuesday, March 1, 2016

New Old Entertainment Center

This past weekend was our complete weekend off, that meant Kayo had a rare Sat. and Sun. off and Joe off-call. We were going to Ironwood, but unfortunately Joe wasn't feeling the best on Friday, so we just stayed home.
When Sunday rolled in and brought continuous snow throughout the afternoon, we started to move some old junk around in the house. With our old house we inherited this old library table, which is not that useful in the modern household. Too chunky, yet not enough storage. It was just collecting dust in the basement, too classy to just throw away. Joe decided to give it a little love (wood glue, screws tightened, and wax) to upcycle as a TV stand. No "Before" pictures, but without doubt this is a remarkable improvement. No more milk crates!
On a side note, Joe turned his old toy box, which was once a TV, sideways and added a shelf to hold his record collection and record player on top.
This weekend we were glad to have kept all the antiques/junk around!

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