Sunday, March 20, 2016

First Day of Spring

This picture was from St. Patrick's Day storm. We got close to 10 inches total of wet heavy snow. Pretty common for us to have a winter storm around this time. As a sign of spring (hopefully) around the corner, the sun was bright and warm next day, though the temperatures stayed around 30.
On Friday we feasted on some quality sashimi-grade kampachi (greater amberjack) that I ordered for Joe's birthday next week. I know it would be a sin if we keep eating like this during lent, but this made our fish Friday very tasty, even for Joe who rather catches fish than eats it.
And today the air was a bit chilly, but the sun was friendly. We took a walk on the nearby trails, breathing in the refreshing air and taking in Vitamin D. Trees were extra pretty, frosted with snow.
The branches were loaded with buds as well. A perfect walk on the first day of Spring.

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