Friday, March 7, 2014

Yes, It's Warmer, But...

It's March, and we've still had sub-zero temps. Today it's actually a lot warmer, above 20, and it started to snow. Very wet snow, changing into sleet at times. I just wanted to share some pictures of our snow banks as of today. Can you tell we haven't had much snow accumulation the last couple of weeks? Really!The Valentine's Day weekend, now a few weeks ago, we woke up to no running water. As you might have guessed, our water pipe froze, like many other people in this super cold winter. Luckily our city crew showed up the same day rescuing us from having to melt the snow. Our short indoor camping experience definitely made us feel thankful for the convenience of running water.We wonder how long we'll have to keep our water running....Meantime, the Fat Tuesday happened. As usual we treated ourselves to our favorite Lagniappe. Though we ate far too much on Tuesday, we were ready to eat some light sushi rolls for Ash Wednesday. The last of Joe's fall salmon in the freezer was turned into the enjoyable meatless dinner.

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