Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Where's Spring?

Once again it got cold, sub-zero temperatures. Hard to believe it's almost the end of March. The Big Lake has a bit of open water to produce some snow for us. Since Joe's out of town for work, I had to shovel and clear our driveway yesterday. The bright side was that the snow that fell was weightless, though it's definitely NOT the typical spring snow. Our snow banks are the tallest yet this season. It feels like we've been stuck in January for three month!. 
Well past the first day of spring on the calendar, I had to put my cherry blossom décor on the wreath. It's my protest against Winter.
Today is Joe's birthday. Hopefully he and his crew can finish their big installation this afternoon (day 3), so he can come home for his birthday dinner. Last night I was by myself, so I just had fried rice... and probably shouldn't have a whole pot of green tea.
But then, it was long past due for me to paint. I was up till 3a.m. painting a canvas that I started a couple of years ago. The green tea was well worth it.

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