Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December Freeze

Some crazy whether events have been experienced all over. Up here, last week it started out as nice fluffy snow, changed into sleet and rain, then the temperature dipped down way below the freezing point. All within 24 hours. Since the thermometer needle has been hovering around zero. Pretty cold.
The photo above was from Sunday morning. Mostly we enjoyed a lazy day off indoors, except when we took a walk on the snow-covered bike trail in the afternoon.
What the photos didn't capture was the hollow crunchy sound that we were making with every step on the crusty frozen snow. You have no idea how loud it was.
At this point the temp must have been 10 degrees above with a bit of help from the trying sun.
We decorated our new Christmas tree, too. Joe made a bonfire that night to give our old tree a proper send-off. (Sadly the tree died this year.) 
Today I'm getting our Christmas/ New Year cards printed.

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