Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Spirit

So, last Tuesday I finished printing our holiday greeting cards. It was actually fun, and I loved the smell of ink, which put me into the holiday spirit. Strangely enough.
All the cards are dry now. We need to start addressing them next.
Yesterday, Sunday, we had a day off together. We went out on our favorite annual Christmas shopping downtown. When we stopped at Donckers for lunch, we were unexpectedly greeted by Santa himself!
After lunch the blowing snow got worse. At times we had white-out conditions. I was just glad that Joe was driving in this weather. Although up this north it wouldn't be Christmas without the snow. Besides we were trying to get most of our Christmas shopping done in one day. Blizzard shopping! 
It was time for us to go home before dark in the snow. Our pizza dough was rising and waiting. We had a small pizza party ourselves for dinner. Later, to keep our holiday spirit going, we watched A Christmas Story on DVD. It certainly feels a lot more like Christmas now.

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