Friday, August 5, 2011

This Week's Projects

The Duke, our new old car, needed breaks done. Joe had purchased all the parts needed and set out on his project this week. Though having had to go back to the store to buy a particular size socket (he thought he had) and exchange some parts (wrong size), Joe completed all four breaks in a couple of evenings.
I watched him take apart break parts (springs and pins and all) and was amazed by the complicated mechanism. To my non-mechanic's mind, Joe's project looked like a brain surgeon's. The car runs and STOPS good now. Thank you, Joe!!

In contrast, my projects didn't get completed. I have two oil paintings that I really need to finish. This one below is almost done.
The Lake Superior painting is coming along, even though I started a lot later than the other one. I still have some work to do in the foreground water. Ah, water... how do you paint water?
Tonight we are taking a little break. We are going to drive the Duke with brand-new breaks up to the Copper Country (2 hours away) to have dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Mr. Handyman! I've heard water is one of the hardest things to draw, but I think your painting looks awesome! Sugoine Kayo-chan!
