Friday, July 1, 2011

Rhubarb Pies!

Another post to catch up from earlier this week. Thanks to Phil and Judy's garden, we got ENOUGH rhubarb stalks to finally bake pies (Kayo's favorite). Meantime we had planted a few more rhubarb plants in our garden this year, so hopefully we'll have enough rhubarb of our own next year.
I baked the pies one night after dinner. So next morning we had rhubarb pie a la mode for breakfast. (Don't worry, we ate our oatmeal before the pie.) It had been a while since I made my two kinds of rhubarb pies, and I got carried away putting a bit too much rhubarb. I should have increased the sugar by a lot more... but they were good. Mouth puckering good!
Lastly, our oriental poppy did bloom, I think last Sunday. The only poppy blossom we are going to see this year... because of our rabbit.
Our first day of July turned out to be pretty hot and humid (for our standard). Perfect for the 4th of July. We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe July 4th weekend!

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