Monday, July 25, 2011

BBQ Ribs, Again!

A few weeks ago Joe's dad bought packages of spareribs on sale. Since then, we've kept them in our safe freezer and waited until the weather cooled and Dad had a craving for the ribs. Yesterday was that perfect day. Without much time planning, we managed to put together another successful BBQ rib dinner for the entire family. And once again we failed to take "before" pictures.
So we have "middle" pictures to show what we had. Along with the ribs Joe grilled bratwursts for small and big kids, I tried a new layered potato dish which was a big hit, and Joe's dad brought a pot of baked beans. A perfect combination!
Well, we cannot NOT have corn on the cobs!! Even our little guests enjoyed the corn while watching a movie. Only a little moment of peace until the corn was gone and older cousins showed up....
This was our practice run on Joe's family members. We are having guests for another BBQ ribs this Saturday. We'll photo-document better then.

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