Saturday, March 5, 2011

Treacherous Date

On this snowy wintry 5th we ventured out to go back to the ice caves. Once again we wondered why we walked across the snow blowing field and yet further hiked up and down the treacherous icy trails. Thank goodness this time we had our cleats on. We still slid, but not to a death defining level. Once we saw what awesome nature's ice sculpture ahead of us, we eagerly climbed that last uphill... only to get closer and to explore inside.
Pictures just can't justify!
Trust us, we took such a nice shot of ourselves only when we could. As you can only imagine, we had to go back the way we came. But what fun can we have in life, if you don't take a slightly treacherous path, once in a while? Well, we certainly did today.
Back in town we went out to have authentic Thai food for dinner. What better food after our frigid outing! Then, to top it off, Joe took me out to a movie to celebrate the 5th. We went to see "Rango!" Very cute, actually a lot more serious than we were led to believe, with very good music and visuals. Our treacherous date turned out to have a very good balance of cold, heat (Thai chilies), good exercise, yummy food, fun....!!

1 comment:

  1. すごい氷!!!
