Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Birthday, Joe!

Today was Joe's birthday. For breakfast we had Belgian waffles topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. Since I had to work all day today, Joe himself cooked the waffles from the batter I prepped last night. And we celebrated with some Japanese food at home yesterday, Fish Friday.
Sushi with smoked salmon:
Chawan-mushi (savory egg custard) and lobster pot stickers:
The egg custard was something I tried for the first time and turned out pretty good (though I wouldn't say it was just like Mom's).
P.S. Don't worry Joe had a very good cherry cheesecake tonight at his parents' house.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pizza Night

Every time I see boxes of delivery pizza at work or hear about my brother's homemade pizza back home, I think about making... then a whole year goes by. Today was Saturday, and I had a day off. (The big full moon, on top of it.) I thought it was a perfect day for pizza, before another year passes.
You can easily guess who was in charge of grating cheese!!
The only reason you make pizza at home is so you can load it with lots of topping. I just let my pizza king Joe top our pizza the way no other pizza joint would (if they want to stay in business).
And it's so gratifying to know that we made it from scratch.
Oh, it was quite tasty, too. I know I ate too much.

St. Patty's Day

Ever since the earthquake/ tsunami/ nuclear power plant crisis in Japan, we've come to appreciate our normal daily routines even more. Fortunately, so has my family in Japan, though we still fear for their having small earthquakes on and off since.
So being able to cook just as normally has a whole new meaning now. In my beloved red pot was Irish stew cooking on this St. Patrick's Day.
After dinner at home we went out to have beer, local brew, at Vierling. Our not so Irish St. Patty's Day tradition.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I Love Thai Food!

Nothing special really.... it's Monday, and it's slightly snowing. I had a day off and wondered what's for dinner. Recently I've been enjoying Thai cooking every chance I get. Tonight is no exception.
Menu: spring rolls, coconut curry with chicken and green beans, and rice
Another new thing is my orange tea pot. We just received a package of green tea from home (along with my coffee), so we got to try the new green tea with our dinner tonight. Oh yeah, and I've been pretty good about using our rice bowls, too.
Tomorrow night, however, we are going out to our favorite Cajun restaurant for Fat Tuesday!!

Coffee Beans Everywhere!

This morning I received freshly roasted coffee beans from Japan.... Overjoyed, I spilled coffee beans everywhere on the kitchen floor. (I accidentally knocked down an opened bag of coffee beans from the table corner.) For the next 20 minutes I patiently hand-picked the beans one by one, thinking of all those hands that worked and picked the beans initially, somewhere in Honduras. Well, I worked hard to get to my cup of coffee.
It was actually my second cup of coffee... after which I ran like a fully charged bunny. I started on two oil paintings (ABOUT TIME!!), ran two loads of laundry, went grocery shopping, and cooked meals for the rest of my work week!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Treacherous Date

On this snowy wintry 5th we ventured out to go back to the ice caves. Once again we wondered why we walked across the snow blowing field and yet further hiked up and down the treacherous icy trails. Thank goodness this time we had our cleats on. We still slid, but not to a death defining level. Once we saw what awesome nature's ice sculpture ahead of us, we eagerly climbed that last uphill... only to get closer and to explore inside.
Pictures just can't justify!
Trust us, we took such a nice shot of ourselves only when we could. As you can only imagine, we had to go back the way we came. But what fun can we have in life, if you don't take a slightly treacherous path, once in a while? Well, we certainly did today.
Back in town we went out to have authentic Thai food for dinner. What better food after our frigid outing! Then, to top it off, Joe took me out to a movie to celebrate the 5th. We went to see "Rango!" Very cute, actually a lot more serious than we were led to believe, with very good music and visuals. Our treacherous date turned out to have a very good balance of cold, heat (Thai chilies), good exercise, yummy food, fun....!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cream Puffs

I just love tiny little dessert. The other day I mumbled that I used to make home-made cream puffs and found out that Joe's dad loves them, or eclairs. So I found a recipe and made a small batch. I melted some chocolate for the eclair tops. Why not put the chocolate sauce over regular cream puffs, too!? Yum.... Guess I could have made them a little bigger, but then we just have two!
Right after I assembled my slightly clumsy looking eclairs below, we made a special delivery to Joe's family.