Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Joe the Mechanic

Even after buying a new TV, Joe hasn't had much time to sit around to enjoy it. This weekend our Honda SUV started acting up.... And yesterday he came home early from work and worked on the car all afternoon, for almost 7 hours in our frigged garage. He took the entire top of the engine apart to replace the intake gasket.
There are so many tubes and things in the way... but all come apart!! Amazing.
More amazing is that Joe pieced them back together and the engine ran again, though he had to get a new O-ring when gas spewed out from one of the fuel injectors. There never be an easy project.
In fact, tonight after I drove home from work, Joe checked on the engine... only to find another leaky fuel injector. As I type, he's finishing up his project after going through a couple more new O-rings in the process. You plug a hole, and two more holes appear... that is life.
Big thanks to my mechanic Joe!


  1. oh Joe! Can you came to Atlanta and take a look at my car??? It died on me while I was stopped at a traffic light two weeks ago....now it's fixed but it's an old car so I'm sure this will not be the only time....I'll buy you beer and dinner if you can do the details on my car!!! lol

  2. joe says it's tempting... beer & dinner that is. let's keep our fingers crossed that our cars won't quit on us!
