Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Classic Kruzers

This weekend's art trip gave us chance to spend some time in Ironwood on our way to and from the "ryokan" in Wisconsin. They were having their Festival all weekend. We drove back in town just in time to get in their Classic Kruzer parade. Joe drove Phil's '87 Fiero!Here's Judy in her little Miata!
Then I got in Judy's car to ride in the parade... well, turned out it's kind of hard to take pictures when you're in it!
Here's a good shot of Joe and Judy and the cars. Phil was busy at the Theatre meantime, but got to come out and see us drive by. Hopefully next year Phil's '88 Fiero (yes, another one, but even more sportier) can join the other two.

1 comment:

  1. awww....i miss everything about Ironwood.....especially Phil and Judy....
