Monday, August 9, 2010

Almost Lost in Translation

It's not that we had fallen off the earth.... Quite opposite. This past week Kayo managed to complete her small mission in keeping our U.S.-Japan relations in tact. We only mean that Kayo didn't screw up badly translating for the delegation from our sister city in Japan. And we got to meet quite a few new and interesting people both from Japan and around here.
Joe mostly played a good translator's husband role, but for the "sayonara" party he became a hero, bringing a warm plate of fresh local fish to eat. That early morning Joe and his dad went fishing and caught lots of fish! (Of course, I had to work....) A great catch of the day!!
Every one at the party loved Joe's fish and couldn't get enough of it. And here in the photo, the delegates started playing music and singing songs, while everybody else sang along to familiar tunes. Yes, Leinie's beers were shared and a bottle of sake emptied. We had a good time!


  1. Which city in Japan is the sister city? How did you end up being the traslater for those delegates?? I want Joe's fish too!

  2. To answer your questions...
    1) Higashiomi in Shiga, which is a neighboring Prefecture to my home.
    2) I'm one out of not so large Japanese population around here and happened to meet someone who was looking for a translator.
    3) As for fish, you gotta come visit us during our trout season!!
