Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter, Happy Spring!

On this Easter Sunday, we were hoping to get out fishing at the lake for SALMON! but it got too windy and slightly drizzly. The warm rain though was a nice change. It should also get the fish movin.'
Later on the sun came out. Joe had to get out and start some gardening. First he divided some bulbs that his sister gave us and planted them. The fact that I like these daffodils is that they are like the kind with simple small flowers my mom has back home. Here Joe made a nice tulip patch.
No photo evidence, but all the while Joe was digging and planting, guess who was present to check out his every move? The Chipmunk with a curious mind. He has already dug every sunflower seed Joe planted as an "experiment." I'm afraid the Chip is already too smart. I fear for his little head!
We also put out a Christmas present from the Murphys, for the bluebirds. They say the birds will come if we have the birdhouse out for them.... so we wait. We can perfectly view this birdhouse from our kitchen window.
Finally, introducing our new garden gnome! Not just any gnome, but the one from Travelocity's commercials, or so its package sold. It was a very thoughtful birthday gift for Joe from his sister Anne. (You'd understand if you know about Joe's gnome-zilla that traveled to Japan with us.) We'll have more fun gardening this spring and summer (including the gnome and hopefully the Chip).

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