Thursday, April 8, 2010

Back to Winter

Brrrr... no fishing. It got cold again and started snowing sometime early morning, and hasn't stopped snowing since. The city actually had to plow this morning. We're not the only ones to feel the cold. Gnome here in the picture below... a poor guy. Not mentioning all the plants Joe put outside the other day. If they survive, they will be very hardy.Though I shoveled our front steps for the mailman, snow drifted in and covered them up by the time he came. Still, it's April, and we are NOT too surprised by this snow. We never put away our winter gear! Never!! (It was very wet heavy snow... I was thinking it would make a great snow man.)
This was more of Joe's idea... to make you jealous. In the picture is the salmon Joe prepped to cook on the grill the other evening. It was a wonderful taste of fresh spring, for a brief moment.
F.Y.I. We have a fresh lake trout in the freezer, so come on and taste it. The second day fishing, neither of us actually caught a fish, but another fisherman gave us one! We've had two fishing trips so far this season and haven't yet had a fishless trip. Pretty good.


  1. I'm jealous, the fish looks good! Can't get any fresher than that right?

  2. That's what you guys get (snow) for showing off your fish!!! lol
