Friday, March 12, 2010

Not Just An Ordinary White Chair

This is my official "contemplation chair" in which I sit and look at my own paintings in progress. I would like a little coffee table beside it. Four new oil paintings I've been working on... they are coming along....
Even in the North, we can smell a little bit of spring, faintly of a trout stream. Joe especially has a case of "fishing fever." Hopefully the ice at the breakwall will clear soon, so we can start casting for salmon.


  1. Your paintings look GREAT Kayo-chan! Seems like it's warming up up there too. Tell Joe I have a friend who goes deer hunting in Hawaii. He hunts boars as well. I thought of you guys when he showed me his hunting pictures from Lanai. Anyways, looking forward to seeing all the yummy fish dishes photos once the fishing season starts!

  2. These paintings look really really nice! I want to see them in person! I think your style of painting changed a little? no?

  3. かよちゃん♪すごいね。私、素人にはすごいとしか言いようがないよ。ただ、その4枚の絵の中にいると、本当に森の中にいるような気分になるね。深い森の中の、さまざまな生物がひっそりと暮らしている様子が、想像できるよ。シンとした、森の音が聴こえてきそうだよ。
