Thursday, March 25, 2010

Home-made Tortilla

It's hard to believe that I've only had one post in March and that March is almost over! Even harder to believe is that we've had more spring-like days this month, although we had some frost and a little snowflakes the last couple of days. That's more like what we expect for March up here.
Today I tried making tortilla at home, only because I was out of store-bought ones and I had been given a bag of masa corn flour that I didn't know what to do with. I knew you could make your own tortilla with it, but I've only seen Mexicans skillfully pressing tortilla in their nifty cast iron press on TV. It turns out that it's rather difficult to flatten the crumbly dough without a press. They were tasty though. I know I won't make them for company!
Here's the picture of my imperfect tortilla, served with pork, black beans, guacamole, chili sauce, cheese and tomatoes.

1 comment:

  1. mmm....looks good. :-)

    Yeah, can't believe March is almost over!
