Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day!!

Our first snow day this year! It was our first real winter storm, too. Joe had to use his snowthrower for the first time. We have no more maintainance guys who would plow us out. It's our house. We gotta deal with it.
Here's a picture of our Subaru, buried in snow this morning. Joe snowblowing our driveway. He had to run to get more gas... that's how prepared we were for the snow! We learned.
This is no picture of a snowman! Joe just finished blowing snow, the first time today. He had to blow just as much, or more snow again this evening. Pretty crazy!!
We drove into town later on, still in the middle of blizzard, and checked out some awesome waves in Lake Superior. We weren't the only ones, but didn't see any surfers this time. Then we did a little Christmas shopping downtown and had dinner at Langiappe to celebrate our belated 5th. It was a pretty exciting snow day!

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