Sunday, December 20, 2009

Leg Lamp Cookies!!

Ever since Joe acquired his delux DVD set of our holiday season classic "A Christmas Story" with cookie cutters, he had this plan to make a bunch of leg lamp shaped cookies for his mom, who probably HATES the movie more than anyone in the world. (No one knows why.)
He carried out his rather evil plan.... Here, Joe innocently decorates some snowflake cookies.
Ta-daaa! Joe's leg lamp cookies, all frosted and decorated. If you know the movie, there're some turkeys.... ... and the "pink nightmare!"
Now, we can't wait to see Joe's mom's reaction when she sees her leg lamp shaped cookies.
Everyone! it's time to watch "A Christmas Story" again!!


  1. Hahaha! Those cookies are GREAT! Love the lamp cookies. I can't believe they actually have the cookie cutters. lol

  2. Oh my goodness!!! I want those leg lamp and pink nightmare cookies too! I'm thinking I should go buy the dvd delux too.....i only want those cookie cutters though since they play "a christmas story" on tv over and over during x'mas, so i don't really need a dvd, lol.
