Wednesday, June 15, 2022

This Past Weekend

This past weekend we started our Saturday morning on Apple Creek before any of the weather changes. Fish weren't active, but mosquitoes were beginning to rise. It would have been worse if the temperature was warmer. The highlight was our breakfast of pasties and coffee beer on the beautiful river. Oh, and we ran into a fawn who was just like Bambi with spots, and later encountered an otter. Otters are fishermen's enemy though, because they can eat ALL the fish in the river. Pink lady slippers were also in bloom... which is right on time for Father's Day just around the corner. We thought of Joe's dad on this fishing trip.
Sunday with easterly wind (not favorable for fishing) we went for a walk instead. We found more pink lady slippers throughout the woods, so we stopped and took more pictures.
The previous day's rain seemed to have washed the air and sky clearer. It was a gorgeous day to be outside.

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