Thursday, June 9, 2022

Summer... We Think

It's been comfortable weather, maybe slightly cool for our Northern summer standards, with temperatures staying between 60 and 70 for highs. We were anxious to start our yakiniku BBQ season a couple of weeks ago... but hoping for warmer evenings now. On the other hand it is nice that changes in nature don't happen too quickly. You actually have time to notice details of the transformation from colorless to technicolor! 
Though time still flies... we had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend, if I remember. Did a little fishing, encountering a gradual but sure rise of mosquitoes and sand flies. Also saw a few budding pink lady's slipper orchids in the woods. 
Any weekend we could enjoy two kinds of Blackrocks, one being literally black colored lakeshore rocks to stand on and the other a brew pub, is a big win for us. Cheers to Summer! 

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