Monday, January 11, 2021

Apple Creek in January!?

This winter so far has been mild for us. We decided to take a hike into Apple Creek this weekend. Joe's truck made it to our normal spot we park for trout season,  but Joe took a precaution and drove backwards the last 1/4 mile stretch... in case the truck got stuck trying to turn around. 
Snow-covered trails are always fun, filled with all sorts of animal tracks. We weren't particularly thrilled to see otters' foot prints by the river bank. They eat our fish. It was weird to be on Apple Creek without a fishing pole (like in summer) or snowshoes (normally required in winter). I guess it's still the continuation of NOT normal 2020.   
Another thing we've been wanting to do was a gyoza dumpling party. We can still have a party for two at home. As usual Joe rolled out the dumpling wraps while I filled and shaped. The good thing about not throwing a real party was that we ended up with more leftovers!

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