Saturday, August 1, 2020

Happy Summer!

It's perfect UP summer weather outside, sunny and warm, but low humidity... this is my work weekend. But we did have fun last week when it was 90 degrees and muggy. A rare combination for up here. Went fishing early. Joe caught this big brown quite unexpectedly!
Then we spent the afternoon at the beach. The sand flies were pretty bad, so we were forced to stand in the water most of the time, including lunch. The water of Lake Superior was still chilly!
Next day was stormy all day. Perfect for a lazy Sunday. We tried the new pizza place, owned by our favorite French bakery. Totally worth an hour round trip! 


  1. Aye nice catch Joe! That shot of the mango wheat in the river should be used for a commercial. It’s so perfect, haha. Sounds like a really awesome weekend guys! Take care!

    1. We always think of you guys in Hawaii when we are at the beach! Thanks and take care of yourselves, too.
