Sunday, March 22, 2020

Stormy Weekend

We hope everyone is staying well... This Thursday was my ninth day working straight before our 3-day weekend together. A care package from my brother also arrived, including a couple of Japanese travel guide books to help our trip there in May... although we already knew the trip may not actually happen. Still, it's not a crime to be slightly hopeful.... 
Well, next morning we woke up to a blizzard (as predicted) AND the government's international travel advisory increase to Level 4 (hit me like a bullet). Snow stopped mid afternoon, but I knew too well that this pandemic will only get worse without an end in sight. At the end of the day we had to get away, so we got out of our house and drove out to watch the crushing waves. It was too cold to get out of our car, but watching the powerful force of nature reminded us how small we are. We caught the tail end of sunset, too.
Next day was sunny and calm, though still chilly. The blasting sprays from yesterday's wave action coated branches and rocks along the lakeshore with thick ice, like in a magical world.
We took a nice long leisurely walk in the snow-covered wood, encountering more deer than people. We are very fortunate to be living in a place where social distancing is relatively easy.
We are also fortunate that our daily routines have had few compromises so far, compared to so many others across the world. We have much to be grateful for. 

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