Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fall Colors

It's hard to believe November is just around the corner.... Not ready. But the autumn up here has been spectacular... We've been enjoying fall colors for almost 2 months, in stages. The long lasting fall color show made us lose track of time. 
We took some drives and hikes not far from home, but a bit out of way from our daily commute routes, time to time to enjoy the season from different perspectives.
Last week when we had a tire appointment for our Subaru in town, we strolled around the neighborhood for an hour. We ended up at Park Cemetery where our wedding pictures were taken. Even that was enjoyable.
Last Sunday we took a day trip eastward along the lakeshore to Grand Marais, MI. The summer tourist season is over, so we enjoyed the quiet drive on rural roads. The highlight was rock picking on different beaches. As we walked on the beach with the setting sun after dinner, the fog line moved in like stage curtains. A cool dramatic effect... except no chance of observing the meteor showers predicted for that night.

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