Monday, September 23, 2019

Fall Salmon, Finally!

It's been a whole month of frustration NOT being able to catch the fall salmon. Worse when we could see them under water, yet they swam away from our lure, crawler, and whatever else we offered. Finally, that accumulating anticipation for our annual event is over.
This Saturday morning was very picturesque, every which way we looked. The clouds in the sky, trees, the water.... We couldn't see much in the dark water at first, but I caught a salmon on my first cast. Of course, then, Joe really needed to catch his own.
Joe had to work a bit harder to catch his salmon downstream, quite expertly presenting his lure to the fish. Both salmon were19", bright silver color indicating that they had just come up from the big lake. One male, one female.
Next evening we had sushi rolls with cooked fresh salmon and roe. The best part was that our wait was over. We could relax and enjoy the taste of fall. Happy Fall to all!

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