Thursday, September 26, 2019

Seasonal Table

Talk about the taste of fall.... we received a huge bag of wild apples from Ironwood last week. I had to make an apple pie.
We had apple pie a la mode for breakfast for a few days. Perfect before fishing and even on work days.
Also we got various garden tomatoes from a few different sources. Just enough to make a batch of tomato sauce with venison meatballs.
We are lucky if we could have fresh tomato sauce once a year with our limited growing season up this north... so we savor the taste of late summer in every bite this time of year.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Fall Salmon, Finally!

It's been a whole month of frustration NOT being able to catch the fall salmon. Worse when we could see them under water, yet they swam away from our lure, crawler, and whatever else we offered. Finally, that accumulating anticipation for our annual event is over.
This Saturday morning was very picturesque, every which way we looked. The clouds in the sky, trees, the water.... We couldn't see much in the dark water at first, but I caught a salmon on my first cast. Of course, then, Joe really needed to catch his own.
Joe had to work a bit harder to catch his salmon downstream, quite expertly presenting his lure to the fish. Both salmon were19", bright silver color indicating that they had just come up from the big lake. One male, one female.
Next evening we had sushi rolls with cooked fresh salmon and roe. The best part was that our wait was over. We could relax and enjoy the taste of fall. Happy Fall to all!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Before & After: Minor Siding Repair

One urgent fix we needed before winter was the few rows of siding meeting the porch roof. Neither of us were experienced enough for this project... so our most trusted contractor P&J from Ironwood came to rescue us. Thank you!!!
And our grapes started to turn colors. It looks like we are going to have lots of work making jelly in a few weeks!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Pork Banh Mi

We are still chasing the fall salmon.... The first one is always the hardest to catch.
Good thing we had a dinner plan this past weekend. Joe wanted to try a Banh Mi sandwich recipe with grilled pork tenderloin. It was so good!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Fall Is Here

At the end of short summer, Time especially flies by. Mostly due to chasing hard after any sign of fall salmon first, then trying to catch one. This Saturday Joe spotted a bunch of large salmon in the stream. So far, fish vs. Joe, the fish are winning. Joe is becoming like a grizzly bear after salmon. 
Another reason that we need more summer is because we aren't done slopping paints on our old house. For a starter... I am loving my red storm door, though it needs at least a couple more coatings of paint.