Sunday, July 15, 2018

Joe Got Pierced? (Yes, He Did)

Last Monday, the day after Joe missed a 20" Brown, we went back to the same spot in the evening. Joe told me how to cast, and I caught a 12" Brown on my first try! Then Joe demonstrated how exactly he casted the day before, and WHAM! the same big Brown was on his line. Joe's rod bent in half, while he carefully reeled the fish in to the rocky bank. Meanwhile, over excitement, I forgot how to operate my camera and didn't even take a picture of the fish in the water. The next moment, the lure was on Joe's forearm!? The fish shook its head just so, and the line flew toward us. The fish rolled and slowly dove underwater. For the next 15 minutes Joe fought with his pliers to release the hooks. His very first time in all his life fishing. And yes, we did go back to the spot one more time, and no luck. Partly because Joe didn't have the same exact lure. All its hooks bent, he had to retire this particular "good luck" lure.
Onto another subject, Joe stained and clear-coated the leftover butcher block piece from our kitchen island project. We put it into a good use as our yakitori table. We used it for the first time this Saturday. It looks good. More reason to have yakitori dinner.


  1. Oh I so want to join the nice yakitori table right now!!! Kozue

    1. Wait till you taste soy/buttered sweet corn on the grill! AMAZING.
