Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Another First for Joe

Yet again I missed a good day fishing. Last Saturday, a rainy day, I went to work after Joe cooked me breakfast. The rain diminished by noon, so Joe decided to give fishing a try. Someone was already at his spot, so he settled on his second choice. The whole trip up to the pool below the falls was totally fishless. Just as Joe was about to give up, he threw a night crawler.... Unexpectedly this 27" summer run Steelhead (rainbow that came up the river to spawn) materialized. In fact, this was the second one Joe hooked on after the first one broke his line (his first time ever trout fishing). Joe had heard about DNR planting summer run rainbows 30 years ago, but had never caught a full grown one. So he was probably the one most surprised with his catch. 
You can guess that next day I was all ready for a big one, and of course we almost got skunked. A handful of small rainbow trout under 6" between the two of us. Also we picked some wild raspberries on the bank. A good year for them. 
Sunday's highlights were our lunch at Big Burger Grill and afternoon beer at Blackrocks. 3 glasses each, 6 total, is our limit. 

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