Saturday, June 30, 2018

Joe Had a Dream...

Joe had a vivid dream of catching a 22" Brookie (that is a HUGE trout). That weekend (now last weekend) he caught over 20 fish of all size and brought home these 3 in the picture. The biggest was a very hefty 15" Brook Trout, after which Joe needed a sip of rum to calm his nerves. Of course, I was at work, but happy to come home to eat the fish!
Really, Joe had to miss 2 weekends of fishing, first with our Milwaukee trip and another from severe storms. All that rain and warm weather made all the grass and ferns grow taller than Joe! And this weekend was another stormy one. In fact, as I type, we are listening and watching the rain, thunder, and lightening, plus occasional fireworks (close enough to the 4th of July).
Since the storm was well predicted, we went fishing in the evening on Wednesday and Thursday. The second day turned out to be decent. Joe caught 10" Brookie and this 12" Brown.
Then at the very end I caught this 14-1/2" Brown. I have to admit Joe gave me instructions where to cast. Oh and Joe pulled another Brown right after at the same spot. Mine was definitely bigger : )

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