Sunday, October 1, 2017

The End of Trout Season

This last week of trout season has been a blur. Especially since we learned that fall salmon were in the river and the fact that there were only a few days of trout season left, our fishing fever got worse. Joe's boss even let him leave work 1 hour early to go fishing on Tuesday. 
Thursday we both got to go to Apple Creek. There were indeed large fish in Big Hole. We just couldn't catch them! Joe managed to pull out this beautiful Brookie. The highlight of the day was our lunch on the river bank. I (Kayo) had a rough day: I fell and bruised my shin in a shallow water, got water inside my chest waders, and lost three lures! All on one outing, and all I got was this dark long shadow of a big fish slowly swim after my lure almost to the shore, which became a haunting image in my dream.
Friday was our work day with no fishing plan. At 4pm Joe called and asked if I wanted to go fishing after 5. Well, we couldn't resist. We took a quick trip to the big pool below water falls where large salmon could easily be hanging out. In the setting sun light we did see dark large shadows swimming around. Joe missed one, and my lure once bounced off the back of a salmon! We stayed till DARK, too dark for us to see and tie fish hooks. 
Early next morning (frosty and chilly), the last day of trout season, Joe's cousin Al joined us to go back to the falls. As much as we wanted a big fish for ourselves, we hoped the same for Al who could only fish for a few hours. So Fish God granted our wish. Al landed a very nice 16" Brown earlier on. Then, Nothing. 
After seeing Al off, we took our serious battle to Apple Creek. At this point we were counting down the hours left to catch salmon. Our hope to catch one became our wish just to see one in the river. 
We even went back to the falls where we thought we could see one for sure. Well, we could never prove it. Thank Fish God for letting Joe catch another Brookie, the very first fish of the day, just before 5pm. We could finally call it a quit. Defeated, but hopeful and satisfying sorts. A good fight. We certainly had our wins earlier in the season. And regardless of wins and losses, we look forward to the next season.
P.S. Dear Fish God: the last lure you took away from me (or I lost) was totally unnecessary. I'd like to negotiate.
P.P.S. Fishing has indeed taught me a life lesson that we can't always get what we want!

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