Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The End of Summer

August is fast approaching its end, and we had our first beach outing on Sunday. The high temperature reached 85 with balmy south breeze. We closed our eyes, imagining we were in Hawaii.
Earlier that day Joe had to take me fishing, a quick trip, to confirm that catching was indeed bad. The river was absolutely gorgeous in the morning sun. Fish were almost non existing. We caught only a few, all smaller than 6". Oh well. Even on the trout stream, you could see signs of early fall. Ferns are starting to brown. That means fall salmon season! Though we still have about a month before we actually catch them.
Another event for the end of summer was the State Fair last week. We went there on Thursday (my day off), when thunder storms were predicted all day long. We somehow missed the rain and stayed dry. Joe also missed his annual Elephant Ear because he was too full from all other foods. He probably has to wait till next year....

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