Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Crazy Weather

This weekend was beautiful and warm, reaching almost 70 at one point. Sunday morning we got out early enough to beat most of fishermen. Yet after 10 minutes, our quiet was disturbed by a boat coming up the river. We moved to another spot, the mouth of the river (in picture), and yet again we saw a half dozen boats passing by. And zero fish. Oh well.
Joe wasn't feeling good, either. He was actually having a bad case of "weather pain" like none he'd felt before. His shins usually ache when high/low pressure systems come and go. But this weekend he felt like he was getting ill (except he still had appetite). At 3 am early Monday morning the storm system finally hit us, bringing strong gusts, thunder, lightening, rain, and hail, which woke both of us up. That's when Joe felt all the pain gone. The storm was in fact quite severe, causing multitudes of damages. And the temperatures had dropped. This morning (Tuesday) we woke up to almost 10" of heavy wet snow!
We basically went backward about a month. Crazy, crazy weather. The poor robin sitting on a tree branch is wondering where Spring went. We know this snow pile won't last too long. It's still April in the UP. Snow-- we expect, but not hurricane or whatever we had prior to the snow.

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