Monday, October 24, 2016

Our Japan Trip

We had a wonderful trip to Japan... it is hard to believe that it hasn't been a full week since we came back. First, we spent our 2nd day with my childhood friend and her family visiting Gujo. All that walking uphill gave us no time for jetlag.
We took a small family trip to the bay areas of Toba, enjoying fresh seafood, cooked and raw. Joe had his first experience of a ryokan, a small inn which usually serves bath, dinner, and breakfast.
We took a train day trip to Nara to see the great Buddha. The photos didn't do a justice to show how grand it stood. And it was just mind blowing how ancient those artifacts we saw were... like 2000 years old!
Then we took a shinkansen trip to Fukuoka to see our friend Tak. We made sure to taste much of what the town offers, including famous ramen noodle.
On the Sunday before our departure we went along with my parents on a walk. Took morning trains to get to the little hot spring town of Gero and followed arrow signs to complete our 5 mile walk among many others. We definitely saw a lot of my parents' backs in distance that day.
Luckily we had good weather every day in Japan. For the time we had there, we visited new places, tasted many different foods, and spent quality time with my family and important friends.   

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