Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Kayo's Catch 2

After the excitement of AM fishing on Sunday, Joe asked me if I wanted to try going fishing again in the evening. I said yes. We went to a different spot where I lost a steelhead, bent my hooks, lost a lure, and damaged my fishing rod last time. This time, though, with my new St. Croix rod I was ready! My second catch of the day was a 14" splake (cross between brookie and lake trout). Joe was even excited about the unexpected encounter. At first he thought was a brookie, but its body was more streamlined and lacked the signature dots of a brookie.
The cool thing about it for me was that when I first casted into the sunlit amber-colored water, we saw this huge dark shadow come out and swim circle around only to check out my lure. It looked monstrous, and naturally I screamed with excitement. Then, a few more casts..., but nothing. On our way back I chose a different lure, and yes, it was the right choice. I still couldn't believe it worked. My heart was pumping harder than when I caught my 12" fish earlier. It was indeed a good day fishing!!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Kayo's Catch

June is flying by past us... but fishing has been pretty good. Unfortunately I (Kayo) haven't been able to go out since the last post till this weekend, while Joe and his cousin had some good days fishing.
Last weekend we were in Ironwood and decided to drive extra miles to visit St. Croix fishing rod company in Wisconsin. Joe bought me a new rod and a reel (much needed) for my birthday, 4 months early. Of course, I had to try out the new rod right after we got home, in our back yard. My first cast shot out so effortlessly and went over our neighbor's fence. Oops. No snag. No dog. Today, however, casting over the water for the first time, I actually caught a little rainbow. And after that, most every cast landed where I intended. My new St. Croix rod really impressed me. The bonus was the 12" German brown that I caught. Everything about it was perfect. A little jump and fight that I could feel with my rod.
I should mention that Joe still won the fishing contest with a 12" brookie (he let go) and a 9" brown. But I definitely beat him for the amount of noise I made on the river today.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Too Much Rain...

Only a couple of weeks ago everything was dry and needed rain. We have gotten rain since. A bit too much rain at times. Our trout stream was too high to cross on Memorial Day, though we still got to fish two holes and had our breakfast sandwiches on the bank in honor of Joe's dad. The below picture shows the road we take to and from the river that's been flooded by the beaver dam. This weekend turned to be another wet one, and Joe didn't get out fishing. Possibly the water level got even higher.
On this moist Sunday we mostly lounged around at home. We watched an action-packed movie over a large bowl of popcorn and Jack 'n Coke in the afternoon. For dinner we cured our Chinese take-out cravings with our home cooked Asian meal. Menu: Sesame chicken, Mapo Tofu, grilled garlic shrimp, and Kimchi slaw. It was so worth all the dishes to wash afterwards.
Except Joe's quiet evening was just interrupted by a call for work. I extremely feel guilty for jinxing it, saying he doesn't get called that often while being on call 3 weeks out of a month. I'll have a cold alcoholic beverage waiting for him, because this was not how he wanted to end the weekend, already disappointing not being able to fish.