Sunday, May 22, 2016

Fishing & Morel Report

Today we went fishing on Apple Creek. We didn't get an early start, but we probably should have on this warm day. We hardly saw any fish activity, despite the amount of flies and bugs on the surface. It all changed when we got to the sandstone bank. I (Kayo) would have had a successful fishing story had I not lose my fish. Even after my fish splashing the water, a few nice fish continued to hang out where we could see in. That's when Joe caught his 11" brook trout on a crawler. The fun part was even after this we kept teased by a few fish who weren't just in mood for real bites. Frustrating, but fun.
In case some of you were wondering about the morels, we found some. On our way back from Mackinac last weekend in the cold (our car said it was 38 degrees out) we checked out one of Joe's secret spots. Since then it's been very, very dry. We do need some rain.

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