Friday, May 6, 2016

Cinco de Mayo

We hope everyone had a good Cinco de Mayo yesterday. Since it was also our anniversary, we took the day off from work to goof around. Goof around we did, indeed. After our tasty taco lunch in the warm sun (hard to believe there were a few snowflakes in the air only the day before), we went to buy (lease technically) a Subaru. We put lots of thoughts into this prior, and still actually signing paperwork and all was... let's just say the stupidest and smartest (for a long term hopefully) thing we've ever done.
To take away some of the pain of our huge purchase, we went to our ever trusted Cajun restaurant for dinner. Our wonderful chef Nicole treated us to her special bread pudding on the house, which helped immensely. We toasted to our next 10 years.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! It's been 10 years since your wedding day!? That's crazy... Time really flies. It sounded like you guys had a wonderful day yesterday. I celebrated cinco de mayo with a bottle of dos Equis, that's it. looking forward to seeing the pictures of your new car! KK
