Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

We hope everyone is having a good Memorial Day weekend. Things are finally starting to bud out and bloom up here. All things considered, this is a fairly nice, even close to normal, spring around here. It's just hard to get adjusted back from the Hawaiian standards: so much greens plus flowers of every color from a painter's palette.
Yesterday (Sunday) I finally got to go fishing on Apple Creek. No fish, but plenty of mosquitoes and ticks. Still, we were happy to be on our favorite stream. Bright cheerful marsh marigolds were in bloom along the banks, too.
This morning (Monday) we went out on a quick fishing trip to the other spot in the rain. To our surprise the water was a lot higher and faster than expected. So we just ended up getting wet without much chance of fishing. At least it satisfied my mild fishing fever.
Our grape vines are budding, and apple trees blooming in the back yard. Slowly, but steadily.

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