Monday, October 27, 2014

Rocky Horror

Even though we still haven't picked our pumpkins yet this year, we are getting into the Halloween mode. This Saturday we went to see our local Vista Theatre's annual production of the Rocky Horror Show. Our second time, just as crazy. But fun. Maybe next year I'll work a bit harder on my costume.... 
Joe put his old motorcycle leather jacket and a scar drawn on his forehead as Eddie from the show... well, his distant cousin Jake happened to play that character on stage this year. Unfortunately by the time we could snap this below picture, the real "Eddie" took his costume and make-ups off. Oh well.
Our rare wild night-out in town was complete with a quick stop at our new favorite "the Pit" to have a pint, or two. Too bad our friend Sarah couldn't join us because of her 5 a.m. shift in the morning. Happy Halloween, everyone!

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