Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Pumpkins

It was only yesterday that we finally got our pumpkins. By then most places were close to being sold out, if not already out. Joe's uncle didn't have any pumpkins from his garden this year, and lots of other people had very few. We decided it was the Great Pumpkin Shortage of 2014! And Joe and I each ended up with a very different pumpkin. Mine was very tough-- the toughest pumpkin I ever carved!! But here they are: Joe's pumpkin is the one on left with lots of tooth, and mine on right with warts.
Happy Halloween to everyone!
As predicted it just started snowing here. I have a feeling that it's going to be a cold trick-or-treating tomorrow.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Rocky Horror

Even though we still haven't picked our pumpkins yet this year, we are getting into the Halloween mode. This Saturday we went to see our local Vista Theatre's annual production of the Rocky Horror Show. Our second time, just as crazy. But fun. Maybe next year I'll work a bit harder on my costume.... 
Joe put his old motorcycle leather jacket and a scar drawn on his forehead as Eddie from the show... well, his distant cousin Jake happened to play that character on stage this year. Unfortunately by the time we could snap this below picture, the real "Eddie" took his costume and make-ups off. Oh well.
Our rare wild night-out in town was complete with a quick stop at our new favorite "the Pit" to have a pint, or two. Too bad our friend Sarah couldn't join us because of her 5 a.m. shift in the morning. Happy Halloween, everyone!

Friday, October 24, 2014

After Trout Season...

The end of fishing season meant the beginning of another season. Once again this year Joe picked our grapes in the back yard, though we didn't have nearly as much as last year.
As always most of the grapes were turned into jelly. The fun thing about making our own jelly is that it tastes slightly different every year.
Besides squeezing grape juice and getting ready for deer season, Joe worked on two of our vehicles. He ended up spending a whole weekend just tackling much needed break/strut jobs on our Honda SUV.   
And I just offered a basic printing class for a small group of people. It was fun and inspiring.

We just wanted to let you know we're still alive!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Last Day of Trout Season

Yesterday was the last day of trout season. Both Joe and I took a day off and went to Apple Creek one last time for the year. Sad... but relieved to know that I can now relax without a case of trout fever. Maybe I can get some housework done!
It was also pretty exciting that a couple of salmon actually hit a spinner right off... though both went for Joe's instead of mine. I tried and tried to cast for another salmon under Joe's instructions, but no luck. Till the end it proved that catching a fish is not an easy act! Still it was definitely good fishing at our favorite spot.
Oh yeah, and I did not lose a lure-- a very good day fishing for me. Below is the second salmon Joe caught after a bit of fight.
Both salmon were male, which made Joe happy that he didn't have to clean and separate salmon roe for me. Tonight we are having a couple of fish lovers over for a salmon feast, including the salmon roe that have been packed in sweet soy sauce. Happy autumn for everyone!